Wednesday Randomness…Crushing on Fictional Characters


This week’s Wednesday post is all about crushing on fictional characters. Mine mostly come from books, but I found a few non-book swoon-worthy characters to throw in there. In no particular order…

Dmitri Belikov from the Vampire Academy series by Richelle Mead. I didn’t see the movie so I don’t know how he was portrayed there, but in the books, he was flat out amazing. He was a bad-ass for one, when it came to fighting. Good-looking, as well. But he was also loyal and supportive, and just a good guy. Except for that time in the middle of the series where he was a serious bad…oops. Wait, spoilers.

Jonah Seafort from the forthcoming Eventide by Chris Allen-Riley (otherwise known as our very own Bronwyn Green). This books comes out October 20 and you should read it because it’s awesome, but also because it has this swoon worthy character. He’s Native American, which for me is a big plus (so sue me, I’m shallow). And he doesn’t have any of those negative attributes you see in so many teen male characters these days. He’s not a stalker, he’s not controlling, he’s not creepy. He’s there for Devon (the main character), even when most others think she’s toxic (damn, I’m getting close to spoilers again). I’m not sure I can even put into words what I really like about it, but I got at least two, maybe three distinct stomach flips from him when reading this book.

Maybe I’ll start a new grading scale for crush-worthiness, the number of stomach flips you get. I can even use little pictures of stomachs, instead of stars. Would that be gross?

The Winchester Brothers from Supernatural. I have a hard time picking just one, so I’m going with both. And just for a little bit of eye candy, here’s a picture. 🙂


I think both brothers are crush-worthy in their own way, but it’s their relationship that really makes them unique (and the show). They never give up and they are loyal to a fault.

Tod Hudson from the Soul Screamers series by Rachel Vincent. I read a lot of YA, so a lot of my crush-worthy fictional characters from there, which makes me feel like a dirty old woman. I can live with that. Tod starts out the series as sarcastic and acerbic and I love him for it. He doesn’t lose that, but he becomes much more than just the witty guide that he starts out as. He becomes an integral part to the story and has the most heartbreaking scene in all of the seven books, hands down. Who doesn’t love a man who can cry?

Daniel Kalbi from the Dark Divine series by Bree Despain. Another YA series but to me, this one is not your typical paranormal YA. It has some of the same aspects that you come to expect, but it’s written in such a way that it feels fresh. And Daniel is no exception. He starts out as the bad boy with the dark past who shouldn’t be hanging around the preacher’s daughter (although not for the reason you think), but that idea gets turned on it’s head. He’s fiercely loyal, and he believes in his woman. I love that in a man. Or boy, I suppose.

My last crush for the day is from another TV show, Dr. Spencer Reid from Criminal Minds. I just love that weird, genius. He’s totally out there and I have a feeling that if I knew him in real life, trying to carry on a conversation with him would make me nuts, but I’d sure give it my very best try.


Check out who the other Wednesday bloggers are crushing on:
Jess Jarman
Gwendolyn Cease
Kellie St. James
Bronwyn Green
Jenny Trout
Kris Norris

7 responses »

  1. Pingback: Wed Words : Fictive Crushes | Coffee & Prozac

  2. I love that the Winchesters show up on just about everyone’s list. And thanks for the book suggestions, I’m going to go out and see if I can find them.


  3. OMG!!! I’m so dying at the idea of little stomachs to indicate swooniness. And I’m so happy that you love Jonah! 😀

    I *really* need to read Soul Screamers and Dark Divine. Soonishly.

    Spencer Reid! Norris will be so pleased! 😀 But, he really is awesome. Definitely shoulda made my list.


  4. How did I not put Jonah on my list? *sigh* He was amazing and yes, quit different from a lot of YA heroes these days – in every possible way.

    And just for future reference, Dean definitely wins. Just sayin’. 🙂 Though Sam’s not too shabby.


  5. How did I not put Jonah on my list? *sigh* He was amazing and yes, quit different from a lot of YA heroes these days – in every possible way.

    And just for future reference, Dean definitely wins. Just sayin’. 🙂 Though Sam’s not too shabby.


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